This message may pop-up. Don't worry! What this means is that when you install the Extension, if you choose to save a webpage to Memry, then Memry will have access to that page to get the data!
On Mac - go to Safari Settings / Privacy and turn off 'Prevent Cross-Site Tracking'
To setup Raindrop Integration, you'll need to go into the app Settings and then click 'Connect Raindrop'. When you click you'll be directed to a Raindrop authorization page. You'll authorize Memry to access your Raindrop account to read your data. And then that's it! Keep working and saving your webpages into Raindrop and we'll sync and send you your daily and weekly updates from Memry.AI.
To setup WhatsApp Integration, you'll need to go into the app Settings and then follow the steps. Either via the Extension or the web app click on the top-left to show the settings and then click on Connect WhatsApp. You'll enter your phone number and then we'll register your number in our system and you'll receive a welcome message from Memry.Ai. Once done, you'll be able to send to Memry.AI just like any other contact in your WhatsApp. Amazing! You'll then also get a 2nd message to tag your Memry.
Once you connect Memry to Raindrop we'll sync daily any new items you add to Raindrop to Memry automatically. Then all the information you store in Raindrop will be included in your Memry daily and weekly emails. Remember what you capture in Raindrop!
Tags allow you to categorize your Memrys and filter them. This helps to organize Memry's by project or theme. In this current version of Memry you can have up to 7 tags, and you edit them in Settings 'Manage Tags'.
When you add a Memry via the web page or app you will see the selector when you add a Memry.
Tags allow you to categorize your Memrys and filter them. This helps to organize Memry's by project or theme. In this current version of Memry you can have up to 7 tags, and you edit them in Settings 'Manage Tags'.
When you add a Memry via the web page or app you will see the selector when you add a Memry.
We also have a fun integration with ChatGPT.
Either in the app/browser extension or via WhatsApp type '??' (two question mark symbols) at the start or end of a question you have.
Memry.AI will interpret this a question and it will send the request to ChatGPT and return an answer.
And, of course, your question and answer is stored in Memry for you to view later. is one of our favorite website/bookmark managers.
Raindrop has a great browser extension and app to capture, highlight and store web pages and files.
Memry.AI introduces a simple but powerful way to share information to yourself - via WhatsApp!
Connect to our WhatsApp agent, and you can capture any information from your phone quickly. Send a message, record an audio note, even send a file from WhatsApp. Use the Share-To feature in your phone to send to Memry.AI from your favorite apps, like Instagram. And when you send a link, audio or file we'll transcribe and provide an AI summary. We find we use the WhatsApp integration every day!
You can forward any email or note to inbox-{your id} @
If you want to use send-via-email please contact us during the beta and we will set you up manually - and just make sure that the email address you send from is the same as your login email address
(That's how we validate emails sent to us are from you!)
This is also a convenient way to send notes from say Evernote or Apple Notes to Memry.AI. It works with any app you are working with. It's also an ideal way to send notes from your Remarkable or other e-ink device where email might be the only option to share. You can send a PDF attachment up to 2mb as well - and any text will also get summarized!
You can bookmark this page to add or view notes at anytime.
If you are using Edge, you can also add page this as a sidebar app.
Once you have installed the Extension you can click on the icon and sign up/ log in. Memry.AI appears on the right-side as a sidebar as you browse the web and shows your notes also!
Once you install the extension be sure to pin it to the toolbar so it always shows
Memry will be available as you browse the web!
There are many ways to get your notes into Memry.AI - choose the methods that work best for you!
Do remember, please treat Memry.AI like an assistant - don't store any private or confidential information.